Shah Rukh Khan’s maiden collaboration with director Rajkumar Hirani is seeing a decent trend in its advance bookings as the social dramedy has sold around 1.51 lakh tickets across the top 3 national chains – PVR, Inox and Cinepolis – on Wednesday morning. The film is set to see a spike in pre-sales on Thursday and will be headed at a final advance of 2.50 to 2.75 lakh tickets.
The pre-sales trends are lower than films like Tiger 3, and Brahmastra, which sold around 3.15 and 3.02 lakh tickets respectively, and more on the lines of Gadar 2, which had clocked pre-sales of 2.75 lakh in the top 3 chains. However, the appeal of Dunki is a lot more driven by multiplexes as compared to the above-mentioned 3 films.
But nonetheless, Rajkumar Hirani’s films are conventionally known to be slow burns driven by the audience’s word of mouth. Dunki would be looking to start around the Rs. 30-35 crore mark and then its going to be the journey of the film based on how well it is received. If the reports come in its favor, Dunki will be looking at big jumps on Saturday and Sunday.
Dunki isn’t a frontloaded actioner like Pathaan and Jawan, and hence, Christmas is the best period for the film to release. The prolonged holiday period will give Dunki a longer run, and the film will make up for the lost ground in the coming days on the strength of audience word of mouth.
More Pages: Dunki Box Office Collection