Filmmaker Sandeep Reddy Vanga struck gold with his debut Telugu film Arjun Reddy. The Vijay Deverakonda starrer became a runaway success. The movie was the remade in Hindi by the same filmmaker as Kabir Singh. Starring Shahid Kapoor and Kiara Advani in lead roles, it became an even bigger hit. In fact, by surpassing everyone’s expectations, it went onto earn a mammoth Rs. 278.24 crores at the box office.
Vanga’s second Hindi movie and third movie overall Animal released on last Friday. Starring Ranbir Kapoor, Rashmika Mandanna and Anil Kapoor in pivotal roles, the movie has literally taken the box office by storm. In its first six days, the film has gone onto amass a stupendous Rs. 338.63 crores at the Indian box office. Hence, Vanga has now made his debut in the Rs. 300 Crores Club in a grand fashion.
So far, only 14 Hindi movies have entered the coveted triple century club, including Animal. What’s more exciting for the makers is that the movie is still going very strong at the box office and is expected to take major jumps tomorrow (Saturday) and Sunday. This will ensure that it also has a chance of entering the rare Rs. 500 Crores Club, which is, so far, achieved by just four Hindi films – Baahubali: The Conclusion (Hindi version), Pathaan, Gadar 2 and Jawan.
Produced by T-Series, Cine1 Studios and Bhadrakali Pictures, Animal also stars Bobby Deol and Tripti Dimri.
More Pages: Animal Box Office Collection , Animal Movie Review