Parineeti Chopra, who is currently enjoying her marital bliss with Raghav Chadha, made her first post-marriage appearance during the Lakme India Fashion Week. The new bride has been garnering ample love and affection from fans with her lovey-dovey photos on social media. The actress, who is gearing up for the release of Diljit Dosanjh starrer Chamkila, recently stressed on the need of striking the right work balance and also answered the million-dollar question of whether she would like to join politics.
Parineeti Chopra desires to have the right work life balance; says, “When I am 90 yrs old, I should look back and feel that I lived my life”
In an interview with Times of India, Parineeti Chopra opened up about whether she is interested in joining politics as she added, “I don’t think you will see me joining politics… Although both of us are in public life, we had no idea that we would get so much love from all over the country. I feel that if you are with the right person, married life is the best.”
Furthermore, in the same interaction, the actress also spoke about her desire to making time for her personal life amid all the work and professional chaos. “It’s very important to strike the right work-life balance. In India, we often see people proudly talking about how they did not eat or sleep on time because they were busy with work. They wear it like a badge of honour but personally, I don’t think it is the right way to live life. I believe in working really hard but I also love to meet my friends and go on holidays. When I am 85 or 90 years old, I should look back and feel that I lived my life the way it should be done.”
Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha tied the knot on September 24 in Udaipur, Rajasthan with the pre-wedding festivities kick starting a week before in Delhi.
Also Read: Parineeti Chopra shares a secret mantra of her successful marriage with Raghav Chadha, watch
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