The much talked about and keenly anticipated Ranbir Kapoor starrer Animal hit screens a week ago on Friday last week. Since then the Sandeep Reddy Vanga directorial that also stars Anil Kapoor, Bobby Deol, and Rashmika Mandanna has proved to be unstoppable at the box office. After opening on a thunderous note, the business of Animal has fast managed to blow past the Rs. 100 cr, Rs, 200 cr, and Rs. 300 cr mark at the domestic box office. Similarly in the overseas markets the film has been seeing a highly positive trend with audience welcoming Animal to theatres with open arms.
Now, embarking on its second weekend Animal that has so far collected Rs. 600.58 cr at the worldwide box office, with Rs. 362.16 cr coming in from the domestic market and a further Rs. 169.44 cr from the overseas release, the Ranbir Kapoor starrer has surpassed the lifetime collections of the Salman Khan starrer Tiger Zinda Hai.
If that was not enough, with its stellar collections Animal has also managed to enter the Top 10 list of all-time highest grossers at the worldwide box office. In fact, the business of the film has managed to also surpass other releases like Sanju and Padmaavat that had collected Rs. Rs. 586.85 cr, and Rs. 571.98 cr respectively at the worldwide box office.
Currently with Animal still going strong, all eyes are set on watching whether it manages to surpass the next target, Sultan that had collected Rs. 614.49 cr. Based on trade predictions, Animal is expected to see growth in business over its second weekend running.
More Pages: Animal Box Office Collection , Animal Movie Review