Fear can help you build wealth, financial expert says

Fear can help you build wealth, financial expert says

Too often, people are encouraged to be fearless, according to personal finance expert Farnoosh Torabi, but fear is a valuable tool, particularly when it comes to building wealth.

“If you are feeling fear at life’s crossroads, pertaining to your finances, your career choices, your relationships, I think it’s important to listen to that,” said Torabi, host of the “So Money” podcast and author of “A Healthy State of Panic.”

Torabi made her comments during CNBC’s Your Money event.

Amid today’s persistent inflation, high interest rates, bank failures, geopolitical uncertainty and the lingering possibility of a recession, “it’s normal to fear these big ‘what ifs,'” she said. But once you distill that fear, you can use it to better your financial standing.

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“Fear, here, is an opportunity,” Torabi said. The following two steps can help you harness fear to build wealth.

1. Get informed about what scares you

2. Play out the worst-case scenario

Often, it’s women who feel financially insecure, according to Northwestern Mutual’s 2023 Planning and Progress Study. Women are also more likely to live paycheck to paycheck and consider themselves financially fragile, a separate report by Varo Bank found.

Torabi, who said she’s wrestled with her own relationship with fear as a young adult, advises playing out the worst-case scenario.

“If you are afraid of a recession, better to think about what might happen if you lost your job,” she said.

In fact, nearly six in 10 women said they don’t have a long-term financial plan that factors for up and down economic cycles, Northwestern Mutual’s study also found. That may mean determining how to lower your expenses and build up a cash cushion so you can maintain your current lifestyle in the event of a temporary income disruption.

“Our brain is prompted to find a lasting cure and usually that cure is to make a plan,” Torabi said. “You’ve taken this fear and you’ve used it as a tool to make a road map.”

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