Prajakta Koli, who has been exploring films and web series apart from being a digital influencer, recently opened up collaborating with Akarsh Khurana once again after the success of their previous show Mismatched. The actress featured her in the role of a bubbly girl in the show Yeh Shaadi Nahi Ho Sakti, which released earlier this month on ZEE5 and the actress, too, received a lot of love from audience for her character.
Prajakta Koli reveals that she agreed to do Yeh Shaadi Nahi Ho Sakti because of Akarsh Khurana; says, “I always wanted to work with him outside of the Netflix universe”
In a recent interaction, Prajakta Koli opened up about Yeh Shaadi Nahi Ho Sakti, which is a series inspired from a Shakespearean comedy and also about reuniting with Akarsh Khurana as she said, “I always wanted to work with Akarsh Khurana outside of the Netflix universe, so the minute I found out he was doing this, I was like, yes, please. More than understanding the fact that it’s a Shakespearean comedy that was adapted with the David Dhawan twist, I think for me it was just the fact that Akarsh Khurana was making it.”
Further elaborating on the reason behind her signing up for her role as Priya, Prajakta added, “My character is great, I think the fact that she’s so filmy, so dramatic, and so extra, and the fact that her reaction to everything is so over the top is fun for me.”
Besides this, the actress was also seen in the Vidya Balan starrer Neeyat and talking about exploring different mediums and juggling between multiple projects, Prajakta revealed, “It is my YouTube community that got me this life where I get to be an actor as well, so I don’t think it’s as much a balancing as it is being in a position where I get to do so much work every day. I don’t really think I have reached that point or that place where things are getting overwhelming. I think over the past eight years I have also found ways of kind of balancing everything and finding my groove through doing multiple things at the same time.
Yeh Shaadi Nahi Ho Sakti also features Shikha Talsania, Chaitanya Sharma, Adhaar Khurana, Gopal Datt, among others in pivotal roles and premiered on ZEE5.
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