SSC MTS Result 2023 declared on, result PDF here

SSC MTS Result 2023 declared on, result PDF here

SSC Results 2023: Staff Selection Commission has declared the Multi Tasking (non-Technical) Staff, and Havaldar (CBIC & CBN) Result 2023. Candidates who appeared in the SSC MTS Tier-I Exam 2023 can check their results from the official website at
SSC conducted the MTS & Havaldar Tier-I Exam in two phases: 02.05.2023 to 19.05.2023 and 13.06.2023 to 20.06.2023. The exams were conducted at different centres all over the country. Candidates who have been selected in the Computer Based Examination will undergo the Physical Efficiency Test (PET)/Physical Standard Test (PST). The Commission will announce the schedule for the PET/PST in due course of time.
Candidates must note that the result has been published after examining the objections received against the provisional answer key. The final answer key and marks of the qualified/ non-qualified candidates will be uploaded on the website of the Commission after the declaration of the final result of the examination.How to check SSC MTS & Havaldar Result 2023?
Step 1. Visit the official website at
Step 2. On the homepage, click on the ‘Result’ tab
Step 3. A new page will open, click on the link that reads, “Multi Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff, and Havaldar (CBIC & CBN) Examination, 2022 – List of candidates qualified in CBE for appearing in PET/ PST (for the post of Havaldar)”
Step 4. A PDF of the result containing the names of the candidates qualified for PET/PST will appear on the screen
Step 5. Download and take a printout of the result for future reference
Download: SSC MTS Result 2023

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