It was yet another huge day for Bollywood as Saturday saw Gadar 2 fake a monumental positioning at the box office. This is really huge as the month of August 2023 is turning out to be historic with biggest collections ever in a span of one month. Ever since Gadar 2 and OMG 2 released last Friday, there has been a flurry of records one after another, and by the look of things, this will continue well till the release of Jawan next month.
Coming back to Gadar 2, the film had another amazing day as Rs. 31.07 crores more came in. It’s as normal a day as it can get with no holidays or other major events, and still Gadar 2 is clearly on a rampage with unbelievable collections. The film has in fact done the unthinkable by jumping more than 50% when compared to Rs. 20.50 crores that it had collected on Friday. No film ever in history has done something like this ever, especially when operating in Rs. 20 crores zone on the second Friday, and yet Gadar 2 has done that, hence rewriting records.
When a film does something like this even in its week then you know that audiences have lapped it up in a very big way and won’t let go of it soon. Currently standing at Rs. 336.20 crores, it has now surpassed the lifetime collections of Bajrangi Bhaijaan (Rs. 321 crores) and War (Rs. 318 crores) in merely 9 days, an amazing feat indeed.
Note: All collections as per production and distribution sources
More Pages: Gadar 2 Box Office Collection , Gadar 2 Movie Review