Travel time for trains to Hyd, Kolkata set to come down, ET TravelWorld

Travel time for trains to Hyd, Kolkata set to come down, ET TravelWorld

In five years, the railways will operate more trains with shorter travel time between Chennai and Hyderabad and between Chennai and Kolkata. The Union cabinet on August 16 approved two projects for doubling of railway tracks to help ease congestion on these routes.

The doubling of the 239 km line from Guntur to Bibi Nagar in Andhra Pradesh will save 78 km distance on the Chennai-Hyderabad route while the proposed third line on the Cuttack-Vizianagaram route will help cut delays and add more trains on the Chennai-Kolkata route.

Railway minister Ashwini Vaishnaw said the doubling of Guntur-Bibi Nagar line would cost INR 2,853.23 crore and help railways run more trains, including Vande Bharat, between Chennai and Hyderabad. The stretch has a single line and was electrified a few years ago.

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The Indian Railways, through these projects, will extend its network by 2339 kilometers across 35 districts in nine states, namely Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Odisha, Jharkhand, and West Bengal. This expansion will result in 7.06 crore man-days of employment for the individuals residing in these states.

At present, this is a single line section and heavily congested. Only one pair of Chennai-bound trains is being run on the Bibi Nagar-Guntur section. More than one hour will be saved for Chennai-bound trains, he said. DRM, Chennai, B Vishwanath Eerya said that south central railway has submitted a detailed project report and the doubling work will be completed by 2027-28.

The doubling proposal will be a boon for travellers between Chennai and Hyderabad as it helps bring down the travel time. At present, Chennai-Hyderabad Express via Guntur is the quickest among the three Hyderabad-bound trains from Chennai. The Charminar Express, which takes a circuitous route through Vijayawada and Kazipet, covers the stretch (784 km) in 12 hours and 50 minutes though the route has double lines and fit for 130 kmph run. The doubling would help reduce delays.

Similarly, the INR 5,000 crore project to build a 385 km third line between Cuttack and Vizianagaram has been approved too. It will help cut travel time on the Chennai-Kolkata route.

  • Published On Aug 18, 2023 at 08:30 AM IST

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