MP NEET UG Round 2 Counselling Schedule 2023 Released at, How to Check

MP NEET UG Round 2 Counselling Schedule 2023 Released at, How to Check

Candidates are advised that if they decide to resign their seats, they must pay the seat-leaving bond (Representative Image)

From August 29 to September 3, applicants may appear in person at the designated dentistry or medical college for document verification and enrolment

The MP NEET UG 2023 Counselling Round 2 schedule has been issued by the Madhya Pradesh Office of Commissioner Medical Education. On August 22, the selection and locking processes are scheduled to begin. Candidates may submit their online applications at, the DME MP’s official website.

The deadline for choice filling and locking is August 24. The second round allotment results will be published on August 28. From August 29 to September 3, applicants may appear in person at the designated dentistry or medical college for document verification and enrollment.

MP NEET UG Round 2 Counselling Schedule 2023: How to check

Step 1: Visit the official website for MP NEET UG at

Step 2: Click on the link that reads “MP NEET UG Round 2 Counselling Schedule” on the official homepage.

Step 3: A new PDF file with the MP NEET UG Round 2 Counselling Schedule 2023 will open.

Step 4: Review the Round 2 Counselling Schedule and keep a track of the dates.

Step 5: Download the Counselling Schedule PDF and save it for future records.

Candidates who were admitted in the second round and those in the first round who choose to upgrade in the second round through the candidate’s login from August 29 to September 3 must be ready for an upgrade for the MOP UP round.

Dates for the first round have also been altered in the interim. The deadline for admission, upgradation, and resignation is August 14. The final day for admission, upgrading, and resignation for applicants taking part in the MP UG counselling first round has been extended till August 19. The allocation result will be made public on August 18, and the final day for these actions has been extended to August 19. Candidates should visit the DME, MP official website for further information.

MP NEET UG Round 2 Counselling Schedule 2023: Important Dates

Publication of vacancy chart and list of eligible candidates for round 2August 22, 2023
Fresh choice filling and lockingAugust 22 to 24, 2023 (till 12 AM)
Allotment result of the second roundAugust 28, 2023
Reporting at the medical/dental collegesAugust 28 to Sept 9, 2023 (till 6 PM)
Willingness for seat upgradation for MOP-UP round by admitted candidates August 29 to Sept 9, 2-23 (till midnight)

Candidates are advised that if they decide to resign their seats, they must pay the seat-leaving bond. The resignation will be at the college admissions level. Furthermore, the choice filling and locking performed in the first round will be regarded as null and void.

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