Sri Lanka earns USD 800 million from tourism this year, ET TravelWorld

Sri Lanka earns USD 800 million from tourism this year, ET TravelWorld
Colombo, Aug 2 (IANS) Sri Lanka received over 750,000 tourists and earned foreign exchange revenue amounting to $800 million during the first seven months of this year, according to a statement from the President’s Media Division (PMD).

Sri Lanka received over 750,000 tourists and earned foreign exchange revenue amounting to $800 million during the first seven months of this year, according to a statement from the President’s Media Division (PMD).

Quoting State Minister of Tourism Diana Gamage, the PMD said this accomplishment played a crucial role in bolstering Sri Lanka’s foreign reserves, reports Xinhua news agency.

The PMD said the state minister emphasized the importance of introducing new approaches and adopting innovative strategies to enhance the tourism industry.

“Last year, the tourism business had fallen into a very sad situation. Tourists did not make Sri Lanka a tourist destination due to the economic crisis and struggle in the country,” Gamage said.

The Sri Lankan tourism industry has made a comeback in 2023, aiming to attract 2 million visitors this year, compared to the previous target of USD 1.5 million.

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India is the largest tourist source market for Sri Lanka, which is yet to recover from its worst financial crisis in decades that pushed it to bankruptcy status last year. The country received 720,000 tourists last year and the target is to get 1.55 million tourists.

  • Published On Aug 3, 2023 at 09:01 AM IST

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