The Christopher Nolan directed Oppenheimer is on a roll at the Indian Box Office. After scoring Rs. 14.25 crores on Friday, the business jumped by 15% on Saturday as estimates indicate collections in the range of Rs. 16.50 crores. With this, the two-day total of the Christopher Nolan film stands at Rs. 30.50 crores and the film is now headed towards an opening weekend of Rs. 50 crores.
Oppenheimer has recorded the biggest opening weekend for a Hollywood film in 2023 and this is a big surprise given that it isn’t an action film or a superhero franchise. The collections are purely a result of Christopher Nolan’s brand equity among the audience.
The romantic comedy, Barbie is another surprise of 2023 as the film has seen a jump in collections on Saturday. As per estimates, Barbie has collected in the vicinity of Rs. 5.50 to 6.00 crores, taking the two-day collection to Rs. 10 crores.
Barbie will head towards a weekend of Rs. 17 crores and this is again an excellent result for the film. If it holds on Monday, it could well be another Hit from Hollywood at the Indian Box Office.
More Pages: Barbie (English) Box Office Collection , Barbie (English) Movie Review