Himachal Pradesh had witnessed an influx of 30 thousand tourist vehicles in the past couple of days, signaling a promising revival of the tourism industry in the state, informed Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu. He commended public representatives and officers for their contributions in this task and emphasised the role of tourism revenue in the state’s economy.
The Chief Minister said that the present state government is committed to promote tourism in the state as it has allocated a substantial INR 3 thousand crore budget to the tourism sector, a significant increase from the earlier INR 50 crore. He expressed gratitude for the support received from children, all sections of the society and tourists in the state’s recovery from the disaster.
He said that the state government has granted the permission for all restaurants, dhabas and food shops in the state to remain open 24 hours from December 20, 2023 to January 5, 2024 to facilitate the people visiting the state.
Chief Minister was speaking during the inauguration of the first-ever ‘Shimla Winter Carnival’. The event started with a cultural parade and the participation of 450 women presenting Mahanati, showcasing the talent of self-help groups and Anganwadi workers. The carnival, running up to January 5, offers local dishes, laser shows and various cultural programs, contributing to the celebration of Himachal Pradesh’s rich cultural heritage.
The Chief Minister said that the Winter Carnival in Shimla is a historic moment for the city, which will last upto January 5 next year and it aims to boost tourism activities in the state. He recalled how the recent monsoon fury had adversely affected Himachal Pradesh’s tourism sector, but due to the efforts of his cabinet colleagues and different departments, the state has recovered from this setback, shared Sukhu. The Chief Minister also inaugurated the exhibition on the Ridge, featuring stalls set up by the District Administration Shimla and various departments.
Cultural programmes including Kullavi Nati and Singtu of Sirmaur district were also presented on the occasion.