Zakhm, an autobiographical film about Mahesh Bhatt’s relationship with his mother, has over the years acquired the reputation of a cult classic. The film won Ajay Devgn the National Award for Best Actor, although Pooja Bhatt who played Mahesh’s mother was equally deserving. It was the first time she had worn a saree in her life. It was also the last time Mahesh Bhatt directed a film (We shall ignore Sadak 2).
25 years of Zakhm: Mahesh Bhatt says, “It’s not just a film, it’s the beating heart of my autobiography on celluloid”
Now, recalling the experience of making Zakhm as it completed a quarter of the century recently, Mahesh Bhatt said, “As I reflect on twenty-five years of Zakhm, directed by me, I realize it’s not just a film; it’s the beating heart of my autobiography on celluloid. Ajay Devgn’s National Award for Best Actor, Pooja Bhatt’s extraordinary portrayal in a life-defining role, and her role as the producer, along with the wonder child Kunal Kemmu’s heart-wrenching performance, elevate the film to another level. Their synergy crafts a narrative that transcends time, echoing the delicate threads of personal and national stories.”
Crucially, Mahesh recalls the political relevance of Zakhm. “Crafted during the NDA (National Democratic Alliance) government’s tenure, Zakhm stands as a testament to the bravery of those who recognized its significance. Awarded the highest honour for the Best Film on National Integration and acknowledging Ajay Devgn’s stellar performance, it defies ideological boundaries. This film, while locking horns with certain Right-Wing ideologies, embodies the essence of India’s gift from its founding fathers—the sacred right to free speech and thought,” he said.
Bringing to the screen a story that broke the communal barrier, Mahesh feels Zakhm achieved a synthesis of saffron and green in a way that almost seems impossible today. “Zakhm stands as a testimony to the resilience of storytelling in a diverse nation, where the power of cinema transcends political ideologies, showcasing the enduring spirit of free expression in our democracy,” said the filmmaker.
He has special words of praise for the Zakhm’s music. “The enduring music of M. M. Kreem, now an Oscar-winning music director, adds a timeless dimension to Zakhm. The iconic song ‘Gali Mein Aaj Chand Nikla’ has become synonymous with the film’s emotional depth. As we celebrate this milestone, Zakhm stands as a masterpiece, not only in my journey but in the collective soul of Indian cinema, where personal stories, remarkable performances, and unforgettable melodies converge to create an everlasting legacy,” he said.
How does it feel to look back at one of his best works? “As I reflect on twenty-five years of Zakhm, I find myself akin to a seagull journeying into the depths of the ocean, exploring but only managing to touch the surface. Like the seagull, the entire ocean of my lived life, with its complexities and nuances, remains unexplored and untapped,” he said.
More Pages: Zakhm Box Office Collection
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