10 Animals With Incredible Superpowers You Won’t Believe

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GK: Discover extraordinary animals with superpowers, from colour-changing chameleons to venomous lionfish and the spiky thorny devil!

10 Animals With Incredible Superpowers You Won’t Believe

Thorny Devil can grow up to 20 cm long and live for 20 years.

General Knowledge (GK): Everyone loves the extraordinary, which is why we all crave science fiction stories that not only stretch our imagination but also lead us to question the reality we know. While many have spent time immersed in fictional superheroes, few know about the super abilities of beings from the animal kingdom. These creatures have powers—some defensive and others equally dangerous for humans.

Nature has some marvellous, terrifying creatures, with some possessing false heads, poisonous fins, and even killer eyes. Read on to learn more about their incredible superpowers.

Thorny Devil: This spiky dragon-like lizard has a knob growing from its back, which can act as a fake head to confuse predators. Its camouflage features and spiny body armour offer extra protection. The ant-eating reptile can grow up to 20 cm long and live for 20 years.

Frilled Lizard: These reptiles will definitely remind you of a Jurassic World creature. Belonging to the dragon family, they have a large frill around their neck that remains folded against the body. When threatened, the lizard can stand upright and spread its frill to scare off predators.

Porcupine: The quills on its head, neck, and back, when raised, form a crest that makes it look larger. The quills on its tail can create a distinctive rattling noise.

Pangolins: Born with scaled armour covering their bodies, pangolins range from vulnerable to critically endangered. Their tough scales protect them in the wild, and they can even curl up into a tight ball when threatened.

Indian Chameleon: Apart from rapidly changing colours, these chameleons can communicate with other chameleons and even control their body temperature. Their distinctive curled tail helps them stand out from others.

Porcupine Fish: They can grow to twice their original size, reaching a size comparable to a basketball. Otherwise shy by nature, they also secrete a toxic skin substance that is considered poisonous. One of their intriguing features is the ability to inflate themselves like an underwater balloon.

Red Lionfish: A venomous coral reef fish, the Red Lionfish has poison glands at the base of the spines on its dorsal, anal, and pelvic fins. When in danger, it erects its dorsal fins and points its toxic spines towards enemies. It is considered an ambush predator.

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Turtle Frog: These frogs are unique for burrowing forward through sand, unlike most frogs that dig backwards. Their body shape and muscular limbs superficially resemble a small turtle without its shell.

False Coral Snake: Commonly known as the variegated false coral snake, it does not actually produce any toxins of its own. Instead, it imitates the appearance of its venomous relatives to deter enemies.

Stalk-Eyed Fly: These flies have eyes on stalks that can extend up to a centimetre in length, positioning the retina laterally from the head. Their eyes provide superior vision, which can also be used to fend off competitors.

What do you think of these creatures—fascinating or terrifying?

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