About 1.27 crore tourists have visited Jammu and Kashmir in the first seven months of 2023 and the figure is expected to cross 2.25 crore by the end of the year, Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha said here on Thursday. He said peace was imperative for the development to take place and the Union Territory was reaping the benefits of a peaceful environment now.
“Last year, 1.88 crore tourists visited J-K. I feel happy to share that this year, in the seven months so far, 1.27 crore tourists have visited and the figure will cross 2.25 crore this year,” Sinha said addressing a function after inaugurating several projects under the Srinagar Smart City.
Listing out various development projects and works undertaken by the Union Territory administration, Sinha said the development has taken place in Jammu and Kashmir only because there is peace.
“I have been saying since I came here that development will take place only when there is peace. If there is no peace, there will be no development in any part of the world,” he added.
He called upon the people to shun the “dual character” and call a terrorist, a terrorist.
“Some people are there who say, in hushed whispers, that yes, development has taken place, but they hesitate in calling a terrorist, a terrorist. This dual character will not do. You have to call a terrorist, a terrorist. Those who do not call, support it, and the people of Kashmir as well as Jammu will have to understand that,” he said.
The LG said the situation in J-K has improved a great deal.
“The street violence has ended, this is a huge change. Some people, who used to spread terrorism or separatism, sat in Pakistan and gave bandh calls and the shops and business establishments, schools and colleges used to remain shut for about 150 days a year, that has stopped.
“The people here used to return to their homes before the sunset, now you can see people relishing ice-cream, playing guitar in Srinagar (in the evening). The biggest change that has taken place is that the citizens here now are living their lives according to their wishes,” Sinha added.